Why You're So Afraid (And How To Break Free)
Step-by-step process for removing psychological fear from your imprinting.
I used to be the biggest pussy. Some days I still am. (But 99x less than before lol.)
And I’m not the only one.
Look around you. Almost everybody you see (including the person in the mirror) is living in fear.
“What if I start this business and it fails?”
“What if I approach that person and she/he rejects me?”
“What if I take this risk and it doesn’t work out?”
A little bit of rational thinking is great.
But most of us don’t think rationally.
We think in fear.
It colors all our experiences. Shuns our potential. And keeps us from living the life we came here to live. A free life.
“The only goal is to live a free life” says the sticky note on my wall.
Problem is…
99% of us don’t achieve this goal.
We live in fear. We die in fear.
Take a walk through your local cemetery and feel the regret in the air.
But it doesn’t have to stay this way.
You actually can break free. I know a lot of marketers and self-help gurus fill you with empty promises and fake ass articles like:
“How to become fearless.”
“7 Ways To Break Free.”
“How to cure fear.”
But, F all that. This isn’t that. This is so much deeper. This is about diving deep into your psyche and seeing how you were programmed and imprinted with fear. And how you can break free.
This is about liberation.
But before you can liberate yourself, you first have to start from the jump and ask yourself:
Where does fear come from & have I always felt fear?
These two questions give you a major clue of what’s going on.
But you can only answer the former question by first covering the latter.
So let’s do that now.
Have you always felt fear?
Think back to your younger years. Adolescence. Childhood. Infancy. Did you feel overwhelming fear during the start of your life? Were you afraid of what others thought of you? Were you afraid of rejection? Were you afraid of death? Were you afraid of growing old and dying alone?
“No, I don’t think so. But I can’t really remember how I felt as a kid” you say.
And okay fair enough.
So let’s look at children in general.
When you’re surrounded by children, do you feel fear in the air?
Do you get the perception that children are afraid?
Stay in the presence of children for 30 seconds and you’ll feel it.
Children feel no fear. Sure, they can perceive danger and threats (evolutionary fear). But they feel no psychological fear (the type of fear that governs, controls, and limits us).
Now flip the script.
Surround yourself with a group of adults. At random.
When you’re surrounded by adults, do you feel fear in the air?
Do you get the perception that adults are afraid?
Stay in the presence of adults for 30 seconds and you’ll feel it.
All adults feel is psychological fear. Sure, they can temporarily feel moments of joy and ecstasy, but those moments are short lived.
Majority of the time they’re running on fear.
Fear of not making enough money. Fear of losing their relationship. Fear of not being man enough. Fear of their insecurities. Fear of people getting to know the real them. Fear of putting themselves out there. Fear of taking risks. Fear of the unknown. Fear of death. Fear of fear itself. Fear of disease. Fear of evil. Fear of themselves.
Where does this fear come from?
If children don’t feel psychological fear, but most adults do - what does this tell us?
Well, one thing we may think is:
“The lives of children are easy and stress free. There’s no need for them to feel fear. The lives of adults are hard and demanding. It's a natural progression for man to go from being a free child to a fearful adult. It’s just the way it is. Fear is natural for adults.”
But is that true?
If 100% of adults felt and were driven by fear, then yes maybe it would be the truth. But are ALL adults driven by fear?
I think not.
I know many adults who are as free as a bird. Who have broken free of psychological fear. And are living extraordinary lives.
So it’s obvious fear and adulthood aren’t correlated.
Which means…
Fear is not the natural by-product of adulthood.
Instead all psychological fear has been conditioned and imprinted into our psyche. It’s been put inside our minds to limit us, to control us, to keep us playing small.
I don’t want to get into all that today.
But let’s just say:
It’s hard for somebody to control you if they can’t watch you.
It’s easy for somebody to control you if they program you to watch and control yourself.
Most of us are working for the elite and we don’t even know it. Most of us are keeping ourselves in mental jail and we don’t even know it. Most of us are doing the job of the jail guard and we don’t even know it.
But the more you start waking up, the more you start questioning reality and seeing the truth:
“What the fuck is happening here?”
“None of this fear serves me, why do I keep feeling it?”
“Where is this coming from?”
“I’m in no real danger, but I can’t shake this fucking fear off. Why?”
Today I’m going to reveal the answer (just my take).
And I think you’re not going to like it. I think you’re going to doubt me. I think you’re going to think it’s bullshit. I think you’re going to not take me seriously. I think you’re going to hate the truth.
Because it’ll change how you view the world.
And since you have your identity wrapped in the world, it may hurt a little bit.
But still, I’m going to tell you.
Because I got love for you. And know how it feels to live a life of fear. And how much it sucks. How much it destroys you. How much it keeps you up at night. How much it kills your zest for life.
I don’t want that for you (or anybody else).
I want you to break-free.
So let’s do that now.
(Keep in mind this is just my take. Not saying it’s true or false. I could be the biggest idiot in the world. Who knows lol. The purpose of my content isn’t to tell you what to think. It’s to get you to think. If you read the following and think I’m a lunatic, the purpose is served. If you read the following and think wow I can break free, the purpose is served. Don’t care one way or another).
Here’s just some of the things we’re going to cover:
Conditioning, imprinting & programming
What deep meditation taught me
Quantum physics
How identities & lives of fear are born
Magic and casting spells
Mass manifestation
And of course, how to break free (most important)
Okay, I don’t really have any plan of how I’m going to cover all those things or in what order, so just going to write and see where it takes me.
Let’s start with what deep meditation taught me.
I’ve been meditating on and off since 2011, so it’s been a minute.
But during this entire lockdown, I’ve been taking my meditation game to a whole new level. Been meditating 60 minutes a day. Trying out different techniques. And have started going much deeper.
Anyhow, the reason I bring this up is because the other day I got into a very deep meditation and kind of realized how our identities and lives of fear come to be. Here’s what I saw/realized:
When you’re born, you’re still connected to your true nature.
As infinity or awareness. Call it what you want.
Think of infinity or awareness as an empty garden. When the garden is empty, there’s only empty land. And naturally you feel free and connected to the entire land. It’s all you.
But as you get older, something starts happening. You go from being the entire empty garden to becoming a small seed. As a seed, you’re given a name, personality traits, ways of looking at the world.
And that’s all fine and well.
But as a seed, you have to grow.
We all know seeds come imprinted with instructions for maximum growth.
If they receive certain things such as water, sunlight, love, then they grow into such beauty and actualize their full potential.
But what happens if you don’t give a seed what it needs?
What happens if you imprint messages of fear, scarcity, hatred, struggle, stress onto the seed and strip it of water, sunlight, love?
The seed no longer grows into such beauty.
Instead the seed grows up to live a life of fear. It grows up to view itself as separate from every other seed. It doesn’t experience its true nature. It’s been robbed and tinkered with. There’s something a little off about the seed. And it feels it too. Deep down it knows there’s so much more for the seed (because the original instructions for maximum growth come internally with the seed) but it doesn’t feel it in reality. Because in reality, all it feels is despair, frustration, fear.
Because the original imprinting has been replaced with new psychological, fear driven imprinting.
And as a result, the seed suffers.
Because 1) the seed only identifies with being a seed (not the entire garden) 2) the seed’s identity has been conditioned and programmed and imprinted to give rise to a life of fear.
(This is what has happened to most of us in modern society.)
But how does that happen?
How are the original instructions the seed comes rooted with replaced with new, psychological fear driven instructions that create a life of fear?
This is where we need to get into:
The power of magic
Casting spells
How the brain works
Quantum physics
Body trauma
And what all these things tell us.
If you study magic, spells, intentions, quantum physics, how the brain works, power of focus/awareness/consciousness, you’ll realize a few things that give us further clues on how seeds are purposely damaged and designed to turn against their true nature.
You’ll realize:
Everything is programming
Speaking words & writing words casts spells (spelling)
The brain can’t tell the difference between reality and imagination
Where attention goes, energy flows
Observation creates matter
The body keeps score. Even when the mind forgets about a traumatic, fearful experience. The body doesn’t. It keeps the experience inside the body in the form of tension/blockage.
And many many more things!
Again, all this isn’t stuff I’m making up.
There’s proof behind each of these points that you can easily dig up.
Anyhow, the reason I bring this up is because you first have to understand the above points in order to understand how you’ve been imprinted to lead a life of fear (and how you can break free).
So now that you understand the above points, how exactly have these points been used against you to imprint fear into your psyche?
More specifically:
What institutions have been created by society to use these points to keep you living in fear and cut off from your true potential?
Just think a little bit. You got this.
Think about the institutions in society. What is the major culprit that has been purposely created to indoctrinate the masses into living a life full of fear and struggle?
“Entertainment and media” you say!
Or “propaganda and BS mind control” as I like to think of it.
And bam, you’re absolutely right!
But how exactly does this work?
Well, let’s first analyze what type of entertainment and media is all around us and the characteristics of it.
Then I’ll show you how it uses the power of magic/quantum physics/intentions to imprint fear into your psyche and keep you in a cage, cut off from your true powers…
… and forever in mental prison.
(Again, don’t believe anything I say. Zero desire to convince or persuade.)
So what type of entertainment and media do you see around you?
Let’s start with movies.
What type of movies are most popular in society?
Movies of violence/death (action movies), weak masculinity (romantic comedies), fear (horror movies), stress (thrillers).
Let’s move onto music.
What type of messaging is inside mainstream music?
Messages of violence, hatred, separation, fear, weak masculinity (listen to the radio and all you’re going to hear are songs by guys crying over some girl over and over again), cheating, drug dealing, race baiting, you get the point.
What about news?
Fuck don’t even get me started lol.
You already know the deal with news.
Race baiting, violence, hatred, terrorism, murder, mass shootings.
On and on it goes.
“Yeah I understand that, Tej. But how exactly does all this contribute to programming and conditioning and creating a life of fear?”
Good question, my friend.
It goes back to the principles of magic, intentions, quantum physics.
Here’s a few examples:
Example #1. When your favorite mainstream song is playing on the radio and you’re singing along to it, do you know what you’re actually doing?
You’re creating a spell on yourself.
And since the messaging in mainstream music is one of fear, you’re creating a spell of fear whether you realize it or not.
Worse, song lyrics are hard to get out of your head once they’re in there. These lyrics inside the mind further go to indoctrinate and control you long after you’ve stopped listening to the song.
I know this sounds like bullshit.
But here’s a real example from my own life (to back this point up):
In late elementary/early high school, I was severely addicted to rap music. So addicted that the only thoughts I had in my mind were rap lyrics. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s not.
In the shower, random rap lyrics were running through my head.
Sitting in class, random rap lyrics were running through my head.
Playing basketball, random rap lyrics were running through my head.
All day long. Non-stop. Without me even consciously bringing them to mind. But that’s not the main point.
The main point is the effect these spells started to have on my life.
After being programmed and conditioned by that music and having it run through my head nonstop, I started doing really strange things.
My friends and I would hit up the gas station and steal candy at lunch.
I’d break windows with bricks.
I’d egg random houses.
I’d get into beefs with people for no reason.
I started carrying a shank.
I even ran away from the cops like 3-4 times over the smallest of things. Never got caught. Except once. Got tackled to the ground in a pile of dirt, was rocking all white, messed up all my clothes. Came home that night and my mom’s like “WTF happened to you?” And I’m just like “I don’t know, Mom. It was a rough day in these suburban streets of Canada lol.”
I’d look at people walking my way and think they wanted to fight or I was going to get jumped.
The fact that I was living in weak ass, little-to-no hostility, 100% safe suburbs of Canada never occurred to me.
I was acting like I was living in the most dangerous part of the world.
I can’t stop laughing as I write that now.
But man it was some real shit.
That’s just music.
Let’s move onto movies.
Example #2) When you’re watching a movie, do you know what you’re actually doing?
You’re creating a spell on yourself.
And since the messaging in mainstream movies is one of fear, you’re creating a spell of fear whether you realize it or not.
I know this sounds like bullshit.
But it’s a fact.
1) The brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined.
2) The body stores trauma.
So when you watch negative movies, your brain acts as if you’re experiencing what you’re watching.
If you’re watching a shooting, your brain releases more cortisol (stress) and puts the body into a fight-or-flight response.
To you, it seems so innocent.
But the body keeps score (long after the mind forgets).
What this means is your body carries all the trauma you exposed your senses to in the form of tension and stress. This is why most adults in society are permanently in a fight-or-flight response. Everything they expose their senses to creates fear. Brain can’t tell the difference between entertainment and reality. And since they don’t know how to release tension, they carry this trauma with them. Resulting in a permanent feeling of fight-or-flight.
And it’s absolutely nuts!
Personally I’ve never been a big fan of movies, especially mainstream movies. All the movies people talk about, I’ve never seen (including TV shows). I’ve only seen a few inspirational, uplifting movies here and there. Movies like Coach Carter, Remember The Titans, stuff like that. Or comedies here and there.
But action movies and especially horror movies?
Fuck no, bro.
I remember growing up and my sister used to always try to get me to watch horror movies. And I would be like nah. And she’d be like, “Tej’s so scared!” And she was right.
I was scared. Not of the movie.
But what it would do to me.
(For some reason I always intuitively knew to avoid horror movies/action movies/negative mainstream movies, but when it came to rap music, I totally dropped the ball lol.)
That’s just movies.
Let’s cover news.
Example #3) When you’re watching or reading the news, do you know what you’re actually doing?
You’re creating a spell on yourself.
For the same reason behind movies.
1) The brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined.
2) The body stores trauma.
So when you consume the news, your brain acts as if you’re experiencing what you’re watching. And this further goes to create fear & push your body into a permanent state of fight or flight (look at the people who are constantly consumed by news. They’re full with nonstop fear!).
Are you starting to get it?
Do you now see how entertainment and media is purposely designed to create fear-inducing spells on you?
It’s designed to strip you of your true nature.
Program you with false beliefs.
Trick the seed that is you into accepting a story of fear.
Until you’ve created a life of fear for yourself.
This is why children have less fear than adults.
1) They still identify more as the empty garden (instead of the seed)
2) They haven’t been fully conditioned with fear-inducing entertainment and media yet.
Are you starting to see it?
The purpose of entertainment and media is to stunt your growth.
The purpose of entertainment and media is to replace love with fear.
The purpose of entertainment and media is to rob you of your true nature.
Funniest thing is you’re taught to worship the pawns that are put in society to program, control, limit you.
Why are people taught to praise celebrities?
Because then you don’t question what the celebrity says.
Then you don’t realize the celebrity has been put in power to control you. Instead, you accept it blindly.
This is why certain celebrities are put in place to make music for young kids. They want to get them early. Just think about it.
Add up all the fear-inducing entertainment and media you consumed throughout your life, all the spells you casted on yourself without knowing, and is it any wonder why you’re constantly in-a-state of fear/fight or flight?
The reason you can’t walk up to the girl you like isn’t because you have approach anxiety, bro. What the fuck is that? (Try explaining approach anxiety to a natural man from another culture/part of the world (who is cut off from media/entertainment) and he’ll think you’ve lost your mind haha.)
The real reason is because the seed that is you has been overtaken and imprinted and programmed with fear.
The reason you can’t roll the dice and take action on your dreams isn’t because dreams don’t come true. What type of BS is that?
The real reason is because the seed that is you has been overtaken and imprinted and programmed with fear.
The reason you can’t live life on your own terms isn’t because you’re a limited being. What type of BS is that?
The real reason is because the seed that is you has been overtaken and imprinted and programmed with fear.
There’s only 2 ways to play the game of life.
In love or fear.
When you live in love, life becomes effortless. And all the things you seek come to life so much faster.
When you live in fear, you’re constantly creating resistance. And getting in your own way.
Mainstream entertainment and media is designed to keep you living in fear (analyze your own life. The people who consume the most entertainment and media, do they live in fear or love? What about people who consume the least? Love or fear? It’s so obvious when you see it.)
Designed to program, condition, and imprint messages of fear onto your operating system.
So how do you buck this trend and become free?
1) Stop consuming mainstream media
Most people think my life transformed when I discovered marketing, copywriting, spirituality, whatever.
And that’s true.
But when it really changed was when I stopped consuming the fear-driven propaganda coming through the radio, television screen, macbook screen, iphone screen.
When you stop consuming that stuff & give yourself what you need, your original imprinting instructions of love take over and you grow into a seed that actualizes its full potential.
I’m not saying give it up for good.
If Drake drops a new album, I’m probably going to listen to it (even though he lowkey pushes messages of being a beta, wimp, male haha. All love, Drake). But I ain’t going to do it consistently.
And I’m going to be much more mindful of what type of spell the music is casting. If it’s some weak ass, demoralizing stuff, I ain’t singing along bro. No matter how catchy the hook.
That’s music.
But news, you gotta give that up for good. No exceptions.
What about movies?
I’d recommend giving up mainstream movies and TV shows, too.
IMO it’s a small price to pay.
Sure you may not know what’s happening in Game of Thrones, but the increase in love, freedom, life you feel will be well worth it, my friend.
(Your life is at stake.)
Now it’s important to note that I’m not telling you to give up music or movies for good.
I’m just telling you to stop consuming the mainstream ‘negative’ stuff.
I’m still addicted to music. I listen to it every day. But the difference is the music I now listen to isn’t creating spells of fear…
… it’s casting spells of power (maybe I’ll drop a playlist one day).
Make printing & conditioning & imprinting work for you. Not against you.
That’s what brings me to my next point.
2) Program yourself consciously
Everybody doubts the power of magic, quantum physics, intentions.
But there’s a reason the elite have been using these forces for so long now in the form of entertainment and news.
If it didn’t work, they would’ve long stopped.
So realize that and start programming yourself.
How do you program yourself?
Expose your senses to uplifting messages/media/entertainment
Decorate your house/environment with sticky notes that contain messages of love/freedom
Create a mindset folder of who you desire to be and review it 3x a day
Read the 12 scrolls inside The Greatest Salesman In The World 3x a day and watch how it starts influencing you
Use the power of visualization for you.
Read up on spirituality/consciousness/quantum physics/magic
Meditate/take walks in nature
Repeat ‘I Love You’ in your head to everybody you come across.
Identify more with the blank, empty limitless garden (awareness) than the limited seed (ego)
Do those 9 things and cut out the negative, toxic entertainment…
… and you’ll start noticing major differences in your life.
It’ll shock you in the best way possible.
But there’s still more you can do.
You can start to get rid of all the tension you’re carrying in your body. All the trauma from the past that is keeping you in a state of fight-or-flight and away from actualizing your full potential.
That’s what brings us to our last point.
3) Release the fear in your body
How do you do that?
Many ways.
You can go through the 10-week process inside the Presence Process.
You can take up bioenergetics
You can stretch to release tension (like stretching out the Psoas muscle)
You can take up yoga
You can do flow training
All these things work!
You just have to stay the course and see things through.
But man, once you implement the above 3 changes.
You’ll start waking up.
You’ll start seeing how you’ve been tinkered with and controlled.
You’ll start seeing how you’ve been robbed of your potential.
And once you do, you’ll grow rich with joy.
For once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
And once you can't unsee it, you become free.
For liberation is not something you gain.
But something you free from the inside.
So free yourself, my friend & stop living in fear.
It’s all an artificial world that has been sold to you (nothing real).
No fear in life. No fear in death.
Your friend,