One formula can make you rich, successful and happy.
Believe me?
Most don’t.
That’s why 95% are broke, unfulfilled and desperate.
I used to be desperate too.
Cursing the morning sun, trying to make a million dollars out of 15 cents.
But somehow, something changed.
Today I want to share that something with you, the one formula that changed everything for me.
I discovered this formula almost a decade ago.
I applied it in College. And it got me straight A’s. Then I graduated College. And applied it to business. It worked even better.
Now I apply it daily. And the results have been shocking.
I’ve kept it close to the chest. But it’s time to release it. And see what you can do with it.
Before I do, you have to know one thing:
Why MOST people never get what they want from life.
Most people want to be rich, successful and happy.
The irony?
Most people won’t have enough money to retire. Most people wear their forehead in knots. Most people live a life of quiet desperation.
I thought it was because of luck or lack of opportunities or misplaced talents. It wasn’t.
It was because they were following the wrong formula.
Or should I say, they were following the right formula… in the wrong order.
Let me explain.
How many times have you heard people say:
If only I had MORE time, I would workout and get the body of my dreams.
If only I had MORE money, I would quit my job and start a business.
If only I had MORE opportunities, I would become super successful.
I hear it every day.
Different faces. Same words.
They’re not to blame. I was just like them. Thinking the same shit.
And you know what?
Like some people, I actually tried to get the body of my dreams. I tried to start a business. I tried to become super successful.
I tried by doing.
I would do X and Y.
Constantly hustling.
Constantly moving.
Constantly busy.
I thought if I kept doing than one day I would become rich.
I would become happy. And successful.
Guess what?
It never happened.
Days turned into nights. Seasons changed. And came and went once more.
Meanwhile, I grew sick. And tired from constantly doing and having nothing to show for my work.
It felt like I was at the mercy of life, travelling upstream. And getting nowhere. Always running but never reaching my destination. Stuck in the circle of life.
Can you relate?
Thought so.
After all, it’s how you’ve been conditioned to live your life.
But what if I told you… there’s a better way.
A funner path you can take… one that actually brought you money, happiness, and success.
Would you take my word for it?
Nah… sounds like a cheesy infomercial — you must be thinking.
And rightfully so. I would agree with you.
But I can’t anymore.
Because I discovered a better way nearly ten years ago. I tasted its fruits. And ever since, shit’s been different. Not a little different. A lot different.
Life isn’t this struggle it once was. Nor is it a chore.
It’s a celebration; a creation of my wildest visions. And it continues to be.
Every day.
What made all the difference?
One formula.
Here it is.
What I just told you has made me a ton of $s. Brought me endless joy. AndopenedmyworldtoexperiencesIwouldhaveneverotherwisegotthepleasuretoenjoy.Whatexactlydoesthisformulamean?Letmeexplain.RememberhowIsaidmostpeopleDON′Tgetwhattheywantfromlifebecausetheyfollowthisformulabackwards?Well,theydo.Here′show.TheywishtheyHAD(have)moretimesotheycanWORKOUT(do)andBECOMEFIT(be).TheywishtheyHAD(have)moremoneysotheycanSTARTABUSINESS(do)andBECOMERICH(be).Yougetthepoint.Theproblemwiththis?It′shardtoHAVEsomethingyoudon′thave.It′snothowlifeworks.Moreimportantly:EvenifyouDOtakeactionandactuallygetinthegymorstartabusiness,it′llbeachallenge.Andgruesome.Becauseyou′remissingacrucialcomponent.So,you′lleitherquitorkissfailure.I′vedoneitagazilliontimes.That′swhymostpeopledon′tendupbecomingwhattheywant.Theydon′tbecomerich,successfulorhappy.Notevenclose.Theyliveanddieonthemazeofmediocrity.Sad,Iknow.Butitdoesn′thavetobeyourreality.LikeIsaidthere′sabetterway.Andhere′showtoapplyit:Insteadofapplyingtheformulabackwards,applyitinthecorrectorder.BE→DO→HAVE.Thinkaboutwhatyouwant.Isitmoney?StraightA′s?Happiness?Asuccessfulmarriage?Fame?Idon′tcarewhatitis.Justthinkaboutwhatyouwanttohave.Let′sassumeyouwant$’s.
Instead of becoming rich after you do something, you do THIS instead:
You BECOME the type of person who HAS what you want to have.
If you want to have a million dollars. Then become a millionaire now.
In your mind.
Think like a millionaire. Eat like a millionaire. Wake up like a millionaire. Create like a millionaire. Read like a millionaire. Work like a millionaire.
This isn’t some sit on your ass and think about a million dollars pipe dream. Nope. Far from it. This is becoming who you want to be BEFORE you even achieve what you set out to reach.
Because once you do, you’ll begin to think different. You’ll begin to see the world different. And when you do…
And it will all happen naturally as a result of your BEING (zero friction is created).
You don’t have to force yourself to work.
You don’t have to muster up will power.
Or motivation.
Instead of feeling like you’re travelling upstream, you’ll be naturally propelled towards DOING the right things (because it’s just a part of WHO YOU ARE). And these tasks will become easy because you’ll be in ALIGNMENT with what you want to be.
As a result, you’ll get your million dollars. It’s inevitable.
I followed this process to get straight A’s. I followed this process to make a boatload of money. I followed this process to create great adventures.
I follow it every day. It works.
And I wanted to share it with you so you can do the same.
Cause we’ve become a society of DOERs, a society that always CHASES things and becomes unsatisfied when we don’t get what we want… blaming it on bad luck, or the recession, or what some stupid asshole did.
In reality?
We failed because we never took the time to become the type of person who would get what we want.
We always wait to BE rich until we have money.
We always wait to BE healthy until we lose weight.
We always wait to BE successful until we earn some award.
But what if…
You began to BE right now and adopted the correct state of mind?
What would happen then?
I’ll tell you what:
Life would begin moving in the right direction, going faster and faster and you’d love every single minute of it.
Unfortunately, most won’t get to experience this thrill.
They’ll just continue to DO and try to WILL themselves to success.
I tried that. It didn’t work. It just stressed me out. And left me full with anxiety.
Once you become, the anxiety ceases to exist. The stress melts away. And success pursues you. Everything I’ve ever done or achieved is proof of this concept.
I hope you use it. I hope you become fueled by it.
After all, Jim Rohn said it best:
"If you want to have more, you have to become more. Success is not something you pursue. What you pursue will elude you; it can be like trying to chase butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become. For things to improve, you have to improve. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to change, you have to change. When you change, everything changes for you."
There you go, my friend.
Now go be. Then do. And you will have.
Whatever it is you seek from the treasure chest of life.
Your friend,