How To Spend The First Hour Of The Work Day
This gives you the greatest shot at becoming financially free.
I used to spend the first hour of the work day aimlessly.
Doing different things. Acting in accordance with feelings instead of practical realities. And nothing changed as a result.
Then I stumbled across an entrepreneur who was crushing it at the time (but would later go on to give it all up to become a musician – a story for another email) that told me something along the lines of:
“If you don’t want to be broke, then spend the first hour of every single work day on a revenue generating activity. Make this your central habit and never miss a day.”
I didn’t know it at the time (too young and dumb), but that one sentence would go on to change my financial life forever.
And here’s why:
When you start the work day by working on a revenue generating activity, you ultimately prime your brain (and Reticular Activation System) to focus on what is the most important.
Most important = Generating cash flow.
(9/10 businesses fail not because the idea is bad or the founder doesn’t have what it takes to succeed, but because they run out of cash. Maximizing cash flow is everything!)
By doing so, you not only start making real money during that hour in due time, but how you perceive and live out the rest of the work day also changes by default.
No longer are you concerned with the trivial. Instead, you’re laser focused on what truly matters:
Pushing high ROI levers and maximizing cash flow.
This is really the core mindset you need to have in order to clear your first 6-7 figures online (in the fastest amount of time).
SOOO with that noted, you may be wondering like how young Tej was wondering…
How exactly do I apply this?
After all:
Maybe you’re brand new to the game like I was back then and you don’t even have a business. How are you supposed to work on a revenue generating activity then?
Well, it’s a good question and the correct answer (for you) ultimately comes down to levels.
Based on what level you’re currently at, you’ll spend this hour in different ways.
In order to best illustrate what I mean, I’ll walk you through the first three levels I underwent to put this into action.
Level 1: I had zero skills and no business.
How I spent the first hour of the work day: Setting a timer for 60 minutes and handwriting a piece of winning copy.
Although this action didn’t directly generate revenue, it helped me build the skill required to generate revenue.
Not only that, but it allowed me to build the mindset of being able to generate revenue with relative ease which was crucial. No longer was I dependent on luck or random chance to make money, but was 100% reliant on my own skill.
Level 2: I had skills and a freelance/agency business.
How I spent the first hour of the work day: Setting a timer for 60 minutes, picking a small number of potential clients I could deliver results for and writing out a piece of highly personalized and irresistible ‘proof based’ copy.
More I did this, the more sales calls I booked.
The more sales calls I booked, the more clients I signed.
The more clients I signed, the more money I made.
Level 3: I had skills and was running offers.
How I spent the first hour of the work day: Setting a timer for 60 minutes and writing funnel copy for new offers (ads, landers, long-form sales pages, upsells/downsells, emails, etc.) and/or coming up with new ad angles to test for existing offers.
This directly equated to more money in the bank.
So that’s how the different levels work.
No matter where you are, you can pick the level that resonates with your current circumstances and lock in.
More you do, the more revenue you generate.
More revenue you generate, the more time you buy.
The more time you buy, the greater the chance becomes that you build a biz that makes you financially free.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Honor this and you’ll go far.
Thanks for reading!
Your friend,